Vol 29 (2020): Musikpsychologie – Musik im audiovisuellen Kontext / Music Psychology – Music in Audiovisual Contexts

Volume 29 of the Yearbook of Music Psychology focuses on various aspects of listening to 'music in audiovisual contexts, one of the most common forms of music reception in modern times. The spectrum of topics ranges from the theoretical foundations of audiovisual perception to classic thematic areas, such as the reception of music in films and commercials, up to the very latest fields of application, such as the usage behavior of music streaming services on the Internet.

In addition to the thematic contributions, the volume also contains numerous free research reports from other research areas of music psychology and thus reflects the thematic diversity of the discipline.

Volume 29 is edited by Timo Fischinger and Christoph Louven. The editorial support is provided by Ann-Kristin Herget and Esther Ptasczynski.

The work on volume 29 is completed. The contributions will soon be published as a printed book by Waxmann Verlag (Münster, Germany). The printed version contains additional book reviews and conference reports.

Research Reports on Thematic Focus

Save Your Artist! The Impact of Musicians' Moral Appeal on Acceptance of Paid Music Streaming Services

Fabian Henning, Nicolas Ruth
Published: 7. May 2020

Zeit als Grundlage der Musik: Ein Überblick zu Modellen innerer Uhren und deren Erklärungswert für die audiovisuelle Wahrnehmung

Xinyue Wang, Clemens Wöllner
Published: 1. July 2020

„People Help the People“: The Influence of Music With Prosocial Lyrics in Social Commercials

Ann-Kristin Herget, Lena Gunnermann
Published: 7. September 2020

Research Reports

Validation of a Questionnaire for Leisure Motivation
An Exploratory Study on Amateur Musicians’ and Sportspersons’ Basic Psychological Needs

Jennifer Nowak, Claudia Bullerjahn
Published: 3. March 2020

Peak Performance in Singing and Mental Strategies
An Interview Study with Established Elite Performers in Classical Singing

Silke Schwarz, Caroline Melzer
Published: 9. March 2020

“Closing the Gap Between Education and Music Practice” – A Qualitative Study on Pedagogical Tools Aimed at Teaching University Music Students Preventive and Body-Oriented Approaches

Claudia Spahn, Anna Immerz, Manfred Nusseck
Published: 5. May 2020

Singfähigkeit und Phonologische Bewusstheit bei 9- bis 12-Jährigen Kindern

Franziska Degé, Daniel Müllensiefen, Gudrun Schwarzer
Published: 22. October 2020


New Developments in Forensic Music Psychology

Klaus Frieler, Daniel Müllensiefen
Published: 22. October 2020


Play Me the Song of Life: On the Death of the Italian Composer Ennio Morricone

Wolfram Goertz
Published: 26. October 2020