Vol 32 (2023/2024): Musikpsychologie – Empirische Forschungen - Ästhetische Experimente / Music Psychology – Empirical Research - Aesthetic Experiments

As a scientific discipline, music psychology can now look back on a history of over 140 years. The Yearbook of Music Psychology combines musicological, psychological, sociological, pedagogical, and media-scientific  research with works from related disciplines and thus bundles the different perspectives on the phenomenon of 'music'.
In this sense, the Yearbook of Music Psychology, as an open publication forum between psychology and musicology, not only addresses specialists from the individual sub-disciplines but also a broad readership beyond the boundaries of the disciplines who are interested in empirical music research and fundamental questions of access to music.

Volume 32 is edited by Reinhard Kopiez. Editorial assistants are Nina Düvel and Kilian Sander.

DOI: https://doi.org/10.5964/jbdgm.v32

Research Reports

Mit Maschinen harmonisieren: Eine quantitative Inhaltsanalyse zur Repräsentation von KI in deutschen Musikzeitschriften

Nicolas Ruth, Kristin Marie Zickler
Published: 19. January 2024

In einer eigenen kleinen Welt: Wie mobiles Musikhören die persönliche Distanzzone beeinflusst

Eva Schurig
Published: 28. March 2024

Wie Musik Bewertungen sozialer Situationen verändern kann: Einflüsse von emotionalen Zuständen und wahrgenommenen Gruppencharakteristika

Mia Kuch, Clemens Wöllner
Published: 5. April 2024

Short Papers

Influence of Structurally Fitting Film Music on Emotions, Immersive Film Experience, and Film Evaluation

Miguel Machulla, Friederike Mertens, Alexander Frank, Ann-Kristin Herget
Published: 15. May 2024

Der Zusammenhang zwischen Technologieakzeptanzfaktoren und dem Musikhörerlebnis: Eine Experience-Sampling- Studie

Nicolas Ruth, Florian Hantschel, Tim Loepthien, Will M. Randall, Jochen Steffens
Published: 27. June 2024