„Die Lücke schließen zwischen Unterricht und Musizierpraxis“ – eine qualitative Studie zur Evaluation spezifischer pädagogischer Elemente im Bereich körperorientierter Gesundheitsförderung und Prävention bei Musikstudierenden
“Closing the Gap Between Education and Music Practice” – A Qualitative Study on Pedagogical Tools Aimed at Teaching University Music Students Preventive and Body-Oriented Approaches

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Claudia Spahn
Anna Immerz
Manfred Nusseck


Health problems have been widely documented as a particular topic among students at music conservatoires. Study results suggest that the transfer of learning contents of preventive courses into the practice of music students is often unsatisfactory. The aim of the present study was therefore to complete a pedagogical approach by new elements for the promotion of teaching-practice transfer and to qualitatively examine their effect on music students of a seminar on body-oriented and mental techniques. The overarching goals of these learning contents are health promotion and the prevention of playing-related health problems as well as the improvement of singing and instrumental playing. As new elements, the intersession processes between the seminar sessions were brought into focus under the supervision of a lecturer, and the practicing of the students was supported by a practice-visit by the lecturer which included constructive recommendations for healthy and effective practice. The concept was very positively accepted by the students and experienced as helpful. In a catamnestic questioning the data of the students showed a high sustainability regarding the further application of the contents learned in the seminar.

university music students; prevention; movement; health; pedagogical concept; transfer; body-oriented approaches; qualitative

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Research Reports