About the Journal
The Yearbook of Music Psychology/Jahrbuch Musikpsychologie (JBDGM) was founded in 1984 by Klaus-Ernst Behne, Günter Kleinen and Helga de la Motte-Haber. It serves as the official scientific outlet of the German Society for Music Psychology (Deutsche Gesellschaft für Musikpsychologie, DGM). The Yearbook of Music Psychology follows international scientific standards and publishes empirical and theoretical contributions in German and English from all areas of music psychology and from related disciplines such as music sociology, music education, and musical acoustics. Manuscripts can be submitted in German or English.
The Yearbook of Music Psychology/Jahrbuch Musikpsychologie (JBDGM) is supervised on behalf of the DGM by volunteer editors, who are elected for a term of four years by the General Assembly of the DGM. In 2022, the General Assembly elected Reinhard Kopiez as Editor-in-Chief for a term of 4 years. The editors are supported in their work by an editorial team.
From 1984 to 2017 the Yearbook of Music Psychology/Jahrbuch Musikpsychologie (JBDGM) was published exclusively as a printed volume. All book contributions have now been digitized and can be accessed free of charge via the Yearbook Archive.
Since 2018, the Yearbook of Music Psychology/Jahrbuch Musikpsychologie (JBDGM) has been published as an online first publication with open access to all content in cooperation with the PsychOpen portal of the Leibniz Institute for Psychology (ZPID). Submitted manuscripts are published by PsychOpen immediately after successfully completing the peer review process. In addition, the contributions also appear as a printed publication by Waxmann Verlag (Münster, Germany) once a year. In addition to the contributions available from PsychOpen, the printed version contains additional book reviews and conference reports. It is delivered free of charge to all members of the DGM as part of their membership and is also available in bookstores.
Publications of music psychology research in the JBDGM are:
- Peer-reviewed: Submitted research contributions are subject to an anonymous peer review process according to international standards.
- Fast: Positively reviewed contributions are promptly published at PsychOpen. Authors do not have to wait for the completion and printing of a complete book.
- International: The Yearbook of Music Psychology accepts submissions in German and English. In addition, each article contains both a German and English abstract.
- Visible: All contributions are included in the relevant musicology and psychology databases (e.g. RILM, PSYNDEX) and can be searched for and used immediately worldwide. The Yearbook of Music Psychology is also indexed in the bibliometric database Observatory of International Research (OOIR) and receives from there various impact factor calculations.
- Transparent and comprehensible: The JBDGM strongly recommends the publication of the research data belonging to a contribution and potentially further materials (e. g., analysis syntax, questionnaires etc.) that are necessary for the traceability of the data collection and analysis. The JBDGM thus follows the guidelines for data management from the German Research Foundation (DFG) and the German Society for Psychology (DGPs). ZPID's PsychArchives Repository is available for the publication of research data and materials.
- Free: We are committed to open access to scientific research and its free dissemination. That's why, in the Yearbook of Music Psychology, the use of our content for readers and the submission, review, and publication of contributions for authors are all free of charge.