Vol 30 (2021): Musikpsychologie – Empirische Forschungen - Ästhetische Experimente / Music Psychology – Empirical Research - Aesthetic Experiments

As a scientific discipline, music psychology can now look back on a history of over 140 years. The Annals of Music Psychology combine musicological, psychological, sociological, pedagogical, and media-scientific research with works from related disciplines and thus bundle the different perspectives on the phenomenon of 'music'.
In this sense, the Annals of Music Psychology, as an open publication forum between psychology and musicology, not only address specialists from the individual sub-disciplines but also a broad readership beyond the boundaries of the disciplines who are interested in empirical music research and fundamental questions of access to music.

Volume 30 is edited by Timo Fischinger and Christoph Louven. Editorial assistants are Nina Düvel and Diana Kayser.

The work on volume 30 is finished. Together with additional reviews and conference reports, the contributions already published online will be published as a book by Waxmann-Verlag, Münster.

DOI: https://doi.org/10.5964/jbdgm.v30



Timo Fischinger, Christoph Louven
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Research Reports

Structure of Theory of Musicality and Validation of a Measuring Instrument

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Bernhard Leipold, Tim Loepthien
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Noise Sensitivity and Mobile Music Listening in Urban Areas

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Elisa Gillner, Miriam Charlotte Hassler, Priska Breves, Holger Schramm
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Musical g Factor or Multiple Factors? Structure and Norms of Musical Ability of Adolescents

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emoTouch Web – Ein webbasiertes System für kontinuierliche Echtzeit-Studien mit Smartphones, Tablets und Computern

Christoph Louven, Carolin Scholle, Fabian Gehrs, Antonia Lenz
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A Life for Music Psychology: Obituary Prof. Dr. Maria Manturzewska (1930 – 2020)

Heiner Gembris
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Gotthilf Fischer, Maestro of the Masses

Wolfram Goertz
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Chick Corea (1941-2021)

Michael Rüsenberg
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