Lärmempfindlichkeit und mobiles Musikhören im urbanen Umfeld
Noise Sensitivity and Mobile Music Listening in Urban Areas

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Jasha Kettel
Mia Kuch
Clemens Wöllner


Although the World Health Organization has long emphasized the negative effects of noise, many people still find themselves exposed to high noise levels in their residential environment and in urban areas. The present study examines individual strategies in dealing with noise in relation to music listening and individual noise sensitivity. An online questionnaire was developed that addresses the frequency of mobile music listening, the sensitivity to noise in urban areas and the choice of listening to music for supressing noise. Findings from 149 respondents indicate that those who respond more sensitively to noise choose to listen less often to music generally and on the move. Yet if noise-sensitive individuals do listen to music while commuting, then they do so more often than less-sensitive individuals for the function of blocking out noise. Noise-cancelling headphones or noise-reducing headphones (over-ears, in-ears) were used by 107 of respondents, but noise-sensitive individuals did not appear to prefer using these types of headphones. The importance of noise sensitivity for listening to music in urban areas is related to several factors, and further studies could include direct noise measurements and situationally perceived noise.

noise; functions of music listening; listening habits; public transport; commuting; auditory bubble

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Research Reports